For a more in-depth look at how to make your content as seamless as your slides, check out 7 steps to record a successful virtual presentation.So, in this post, we’ll take a look at how to video record yourself presenting a PowerPoint using the tools in PowerPoint (and a few compatible video editing programs) and also review the basics of creating an effective, compelling presentation. That problem is usually even worse when you record a PowerPoint presentation because you lose the ability to respond, adjust, and interact with your audience on the fly. The problem, of course, is that most presenters have never learned to use PowerPoint effectively, resulting in dull, tired presentations that quickly turn learners off. Clearly, it’s going nowhere, in spite of the complaints about “ death by PowerPoint” that have been around for nearly as long. Even more surprising, its market share has held steady at 95% since the late 1990s. It’s hard to believe (at least for me) that PowerPoint has been a mainstay of educators and public speakers for over 30 years. And while a growing number turn to alternatives like Google Slides or Keynote, Microsoft PowerPoint is still the most common choice.

Need to record a PowerPoint presentation? Whether for an online course, a virtual conference session, or as an element of a broader content marketing strategy, most edupreneurs and expertise-based businesses will need to record presentations at some point.