ini file as I have already a working setup, and started HWinfo as admin, all as has worked flawlessly each time I have done this before. stop the existing HWinfo, extract the Beta, copy the HWinfo executable file into the existing HWinfo (64-bit) directory, I did not copy the.

The only thing I did to break the temperature reporting in the CPU meter and the reporting in GPU meter was after getting the beta update popup window from HWinfo, and installing that as I have done many times before, i.e. My OS is also Windows 10 Professional and there were no updates yesterday other than the usual Defender signature updates. I had the full display on the CPU meter working great including temperature and the full set of memory, graphs and fan speed working on GPU meter, but it is all inoperative now. I don't seem to be able to go backwards to any version of Gadgets or HWinfo and get things working again. I'm interested in ideas as to how to troubleshoot this and help to figure out what was broken. The latest 5.54-3200 HWinfo broke something that's still broken. No combination of fully (as far as I can see) uninstalling everything and bringing it back up again winds up with a working display of temperature. I tried reverting to Gadgets 2.2.0, reverted to Rainmeter backups, downgraded the HWinfo to the released version. The previous HWinfo beta was working correctly with Gadgets 2.3.0 (and 2.2.0) but the latest update broke things. The GPU plugin reports HWinfo not found, however it is indeed running, and even with the sensors window open and displaying information, nothing is shown for temperature or fan speeds or memory on the GPU meter though the memory is reported correctly on the CPU meter. CPU meter and the HWinfo plugin both do not show the temperature. I'm seeing the same things as the other posters. I'm using Gadgets 2.3.0 and the latest beta version 5.54-3200 of HWinfo.